Gildan, Anvil, Jerzees, & Fruit of the Loom announce price increases as 2016 comes to a close.
Today we received official notice from all of our vendors that several of the t-shirt industry’s staple brands have increased the cost of their most popular goods, basics. Jerzees and Fruit of the Loom announced their price increases December 8th, with Gildan and Anvil officially following suit on the December 14th. Though some businesses practice price increases with each fiscal year, we at Sew Shore & United Uniforms only increase our product costs when our vendors increase their costs. Though somewhat minimal, this will be our first and most significant price increase for t-shirts and fleece in the past 10 years of our business. This does not mean that the cost of apparel goes up across the board. However, it does affect some of the most popular items such as 100% cotton t-shirts, 50/50 t-shirts, and fleece sweats. We have created a short Q&A for you but, we are available to field any questions you may and help you navigate this increase. We promise to continue to offer you the best prices in town, and exceptional customer service.
What is the cost difference in the price increase?
Currently, the new price increase for t-shirts vary from $.40 – $1.00 contingent on the brand and style. The increase for fleece will vary from $1.00 – $2.00 contingent on the brand and style. Please note that these figures do not include potential discounts but, will impact any historical pricing.
When do these price increases go into effect?
The price increase for t-shirts is effective immediately with fleece prices going up by February 1st. Sew Shore will implement the new pricing structure January 3rd.
Why the price increase?
To directly quote a letter sent to several of our vendors – “These increases, ranging from 3-8%… [are] a result of rising raw materials and other input costs…”
Feel free to direct any further questions our way via e-mail or through our contact page. Thank you for your business and support! We are looking forward to making 2017 another great year!
~ Sew Shore / United Uniforms